Marble Kavasila SA was established in Rhodes in 1981 by MIchael, DImokritos and Nikitas Kavasila,replacing their earlier first steps into business in 1973. Their love and diligence for this business was inherited from their father, Eleftherios Kavasilas, who started the original family marble business in Rhodes in 1951.
Today, Eleftherios D. Kavasilas and Eletherios N. Kavasilas have taken over the administration of the business,maintaining the family tradition of excellence. Marble Kavasila SA owns vertical alteration of marble machinery unique to Dodecanese.It has the major capacity and technology for marble and granite production,undertaking and delivering some of the largest projects in the Dodecanese islands.
Marble Kavasila SA is ranked as one of the premier and most reliable companies producing marble and granite in all of Greece.